Helyszín címkék:
Women for women, bravely and honestly: interview with Gyöngyi Porkoláb, head of Womanext
Szabó Sára
"Every new idea is born from some kind of lack"
Gyöngyi Porkoláb has been leading one of the oldest women's organizations in Hungary, the Womanext Association, since 1999, with many programmes that aim to address women and families. During her work, she has learnt many new perspectives, in connection with which the question of how successful female leaders (whether they run their own businesses or head large corporations) can live out their leadership roles, and how they influence their environment and inspire others, has become increasingly exciting for her. The development and transformation of the economic life in Debrecen creates a special market where changes through generations and cultures require serious dialogue. This gave the idea for an innovative community enterprise starting from Debrecen – and within that, a women’s business community, which aims to reverse the flow in the relationship between the capital and the countryside, to find and get to know, connect female leaders and actors active in Hungary and the region, and to show the power of the countryside. Thus, the Womanext Business Club was born in 2023 to strengthen the economic role of female entrepreneurs and leaders and their potential. A popular event of the association, which has been operating for a quarter of a century, is the Womanext Academy, organized several times a year, which seeks answers to relevant questions in the form of round-table discussions.

What topics are regularly dealt with at the Womanext Business Club's monthly Strong Women Strong Coffee meetings and the quarterly Womanext Academy?
It is an eternal topic how to empower women to take on leadership positions, as according to surveys in Hungary today the proportion of top female managers is around 6%. At the same time, it is worth asking the question whether women really want to take on a serious leadership role at the head of a company, and if they do, why. We always examine these questions in parallel, as this is the only way to effectively talk about women's roles in the labour market. Self-confidence and self-esteem, constant remorse, and "mom guilt", i.e. mothers’ compunction are important and recurring themes. Many women experience this dilemma after having children, so if we want to increase the number of female leaders and help them believe that they are capable of taking on leadership positions alongside their family and motherly duties, then it is worth addressing this regularly in addition to economic issues.
"When we started organizing the Womanext Business Club, it was surprising to experience that many female middle managers who excelled in their fields did not feel qualified to speak in public at a professional, community entrepreneurship programme because they did not believe they had a place, for example, in a round-table discussion."

The monthly events of Strong Women-Strong Coffee and the themes of the Womanext Academy fit together very well, so there is an opportunity for individual mentoring, relevant, even individual problem raising. The event of the Womanext Academy offers a kind of inspiring platform for female entrepreneurs and leaders. The topics are on the market, of course we try to explore important, relevant professional problems and questions, such as how to change generations in the SME sector, asset management, the opportunities inherent in cooperation between generations in the labour market, and sustainability. In addition, we feel it is important to provide motivation by presenting individual paths and solutions to the redefined challenges of female leaders, and to look for good practices and answers for finding a balance between profession and family life.
Our important mission is to elevate professionally outstanding women and show them as good examples to the country. There are countless women who are doing exemplary work in their own communities and they deserve to be seen because they give strength to others. This is how we can help each other, perhaps without being noticed.
What professional problems can a florist share with a senior manager of a multinational company?
It is a fact that differences in position often bring different dilemmas into women's lives. Nevertheless, it is regularly proven that although our members act in completely different positions, they actually have very similar problems: conflict management, time management, lack of self-confidence, among others. Participants can share a lot of useful experiences with each other at our events, even after the thought-provoking presentations and round-table discussions. Networking can also give a leader the opportunity to feel that they are not alone in their stuckness. As a loss-motivated change mentor, I find recognition to be the first important step on the path to desired or forced change. They dare to express their everyday problems to each other, and the solution is already on the way, they just have to wait patiently. That is why I call these “good encounters.”
I have already seen some serious interaction between people working at different levels and in different roles in the agricultural sector, as well as between a manager of a multinational company and a small entrepreneur. Of course, we try to help our members in the form of workshops, together with my co-organizer Anita Pierog, for example in our women's leadership and entrepreneurial competency development workshops.

- As far as I know, you are active not only in business, you also act on the literary and gastronomic fronts! Tell me about these projects!
- Yes, we have several excellent collaborations with similar organizations in Hungary and abroad, but for example, our Book Club, established in memory of the famous native of Debrecen, writer and poet Magda Szabó, is running, with the aim of organizing literary meetings, evenings and introducing female authors. In connection with my latest book, Father said, we organize Gastronomic Talk Shows with fathers in rural locations, which have already been hosted by Kistücsök Food & Room in Balatonszemes and Horgonyzó Kisvendéglő in Tiszalök. Last but not least, I also have the opportunity to lead exciting conversations over dinner as part of the Taste Balaton festival in March, as part of the 2025 programme series at Casa Christa in Balatonszőlős.