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Helyszín címkék:

With a baby carrier at Sisi's, or head to the Grassalkovich Castle!

  • Szabó Sára
It is not often that children, and even babies, can have a good time in a castle, but not far from Budapest, there is an exceptional programme for families! In the Gödöllő Royal Castle, there are not only children's corners and playgrounds for the little ones, but also exhibitions, museum-pedagogy sessions and events to entertain the little ones. We show you where it is worth going if you want a full-day cultural programme in Gödöllő!
It is not often that children, and even babies, can have a good time in a castle, but not far from Budapest, there is an exceptional programme for families! In the Gödöllő Royal Castle, there are not only children's corners and playgrounds for the little ones, but also exhibitions, museum-pedagogy sessions and events to entertain the little ones. We show you where it is worth going if you want a full-day cultural programme in Gödöllő!

Barely 30 kilometres from the capital, in the valley of the Rákos stream, Antal Grassalkovich I Antal Grassalkovich I had the castle built, which later became known as the royal residence of Franz Joseph I and Sisi. The largest baroque palace in Hungary is located in the area: its garden is 26 hectares, and its baroque theatre is a rarity even in Europe. This can be visited as part of a visit to the museum, as well as the Királydomb Pavilion, the stables, the Rudolf and Gizella wings of the castle and the reconstruction of Miklós Horthy's bunker. The institution offers programmes throughout the year, its wide repertoire includes cultural festivals, concerts, and events for children, exhibitions and museum-pedagogy sessions. And what exactly do they offer to young and old? We will show you!

Prince Elemér Egerváry is waiting all year round

There is certainly no shortage of permanent programmes and services in the castle park! In the Royal Castle of Gödöllő, discovery packages are available all year round, in the framework of which you can playfully get to know and wander around the castle and the park. Such is the Letters in the Castle, the Park Tales with Prince Elemér Egérváry, as well as the free game board, Mouse Watching Fairy Tale Holes. There is also a barefoot path and a playground in the castle's huge garden. The path and the wooden train climbing frame next to it are great opportunities for casual play, and there is also a baby-mom bench on the playground.


The permanent exhibition of the Gödöllő castle takes us through 31 beautifully renovated rooms, in which we can learn the entire history of the castle from the beginnings to the present day. There is also a corner room with uniquely developed toys, a story carpet, a model castle, and story books, which create an opportunity for families to relax a little, and there is also a children's corner in the castle's café. Due to the protection of artefacts, the unique exhibition cannot be visited with a stroller, but the castle offers a great alternative for guests arriving with small children:

6 baby carriers can be borrowed in the cloak-room for free.

There is also a small children's room in the building, where we can have the opportunity to calmly feed, breastfeed, and change diapers. The room is located in an easily accessible place, on the ground floor of the castle, and it is not necessary to buy an entrance ticket to use it, so it is available to everyone during the opening hours of the castle. When visiting the permanent exhibition, you can also request an audio guide, of which a special version is also available for children: the Mouse-Eared Fairy Tale Phone, in which Prince Elemér Egérváry and his friends are the guides, and can be used by children aged 6-10. Töriteló (History phone) has been prepared for teenagers, which explains the history of the castle in simplified language.

Special guided tours and family programmes not to be missed

In addition to special family days, programmes are organized throughout the year in connection with the seasons and holidays, such as Advent, Elemér Day, Elizabeth's Day, Elizabeth's Christmas, Easter, Violet Day, and Coronation Weekend. Beyond the holidays, the Mama, look! programme offers guided tours for those arriving with babies, during which we can learn how motherhood, child-rearing, breastfeeding and the parent-child relationship developed in the past. When choosing the topics of the tours, the tour guides are also careful to reflect on the topics of profession, family, and partner selection and relationship, together with the related museum content.


In addition to all this, it is also worth looking for the monthly children's programmes! The Castle Elves Club is a specialized group for children in grades 1-4, announced once a month, on Saturdays, where they can learn about the life of the castle's spaces and former residents. During this programme, parents can also visit the museum independently or with a guided tour. The “Storytelling suites” is also a guided tour for families that is announced on a monthly basis, during which visitors can explore the castle's permanent exhibition together and playfully.
