Helyszín címkék:
Veteran cars and motorbikes, pulled out of garages
Szalay Ibolya
Pannonia Motorcycle Museum (Balassagyarmat, Hétvezér u. 26.)
The owner is a fanatic collector, László Szakács jr., who spared no time and trouble and travelled from one end of the country to the other to visit the fairs in order to find the Pannonia parts still missing from his collection. In his repertoire we can see carefully restored Pannonias, old crash helmets and a lot of interesting things that can be associated with the brand. The special merit of the collector is that he also created an authentic petrol station, so we can easily observe how refuelling took place a few decades ago.
Kiskőrös Road History Museum (Kiskőrös, Dózsa György út 38.)
The small town on the Great Plain is justly proud of its special exhibition, as anyone who visits here can see things that they may never have seen before. It may be revealed what a macadam road is, or why the road scraper scrapes the road, as well as from what layers and how the roads used today are built where you can go all the way back to the Romans. The museum lists special artefacts, helping us delve into the topic with interactive tasks.
Motorcycle collection Kecel (Kecel, I. District 10.)
Árpád Hatvani realized his old dream when he opened his private museum in the hall built in the city of Bács-Kiskun county, where he created a cozy exhibition space. In his collection of nearly 100 motorcycles, the majority are rarities manufactured in Hungary, such as the faithful replica of the Pannonia P20 racing machine that participated in the 24-hour Bol d'Or race in 1971. A Pannonia MC-63 motocross bike replica is also on display, as well as a Ganz stable bike, and an AJS 500 from 1925, several BMW, Csepel, Danuvia or domestically produced auxiliary engines, parts and accessories. The owner is happy to give guided tours to those interested.
Csepel Car Manufacturing Museum (Szigetszentmiklós, ÁTI-Sziget Industrial Park)
The Csepel Car Factory, which was the cardinal engine of Hungarian industry for many decades, was liquidated more than 30 years ago, since then only one or two stray products can be found on the roads. There is an exhibition area on the territory of the former factory, where we can learn a lot about the trucks that have not been used for a long time. The most spectacular elements of the exhibition are the five commercial vehicles, which shine before the eyes as if they had just rolled off the production line. We can also meet a lot of scaled models, the authentic view is equivalent to a fleeting time travel.
Technical-Transportation and Agricultural Equipment Exhibition (Hajdúszoboszló, Árpád u. 1.)
The owner József Mogyorós started collecting old tractors, veteran cars and motorbikes years ago, as it would have been a pity to take the work tractor, or the Pannonia and Weiss Manfred motorbikes, Harley-Davidsons, BMWs from the 40s and similar beauties to the junkyard. The collector has brought them to a presentable state, so we can see them in Hajdúszoboszló.
Kaáli Car-Motor Museum (Dörgicse, Csörgőfa u. 33/2.)
As an extra, the Kaáli Museum follows in a few rows that has already been mentioned in another article, because not only the beautiful landscape, but also the veteran cars can easily come to our mind from Dörgicse. A few years ago, Dr. Professor Géza Nagy Kaáli made his impressive collection of cars and motorcycles, consisting of more than 140 unique items, into the public domain. The range is amazing, and the experience is only enhanced by the fact that every piece on display is perfectly operable.
If you have the chance, it is worth visiting these fascinating places - even as a programme covering an entire weekend.