Helyszín címkék:
Healing garden and apytherapy in the Vendvidék
Méhész Zsuzsa
Landscape that one can fall in love
It is guaranteed to be a landscape that one can fall in love with at first sight, as we leave the already low-traffic road through the forest and climb up the narrow path to the estate. We hope that we don’t meet anyone driving in the other direction, but there is not much of a rush around here. The neighbours are a fair distance away: this is a common characteristic of the villages in the Vendvidék and Őrség, but what seems to be disappearing in the Őrség with the rise of tourism is still here: the long, undisturbed silence, the luxury of being alone and privacy. Csilla Gyenes came here from Veres Pálné Street in the centre of Budapest. Although there was some background to the change of residence and lifestyle, they used to farm a small estate in Nógrád, because they thought it was important to have their own organic fruit and vegetables on the table in the fifth district. But the Vendvidék required a total commitment, you cannot just pop down here on weekends to tend the garden. This was not what Csilla wanted to do, after her work as a teacher, textbook author and consultant turned her interest more and more towards natural living, self-sustainability and medicinal plants. Today, her partner Gyula Galambos is a beekeeper, while Csilla collects herbs, makes teas, cooks great food, is a hostess and, if necessary, puts together complex programmes for their guests.

Experiences sweet as honey
The presentation of the estate begins with the beekeeper Gyula, who speaks with great enthusiasm and knowledge, first about the secret life of bees, then the topic changes imperceptibly: the relationship between nature and man. We sit outside in the hayfield, surrounded by old fruit trees. This is where we learn what a characteristic feature of the countryside this is: Csilla has also put together a thematic trail about the working orchards, which can be hiked in the Őrség National Park in Pityerszer. It is a typical feature of the Őrség-Vendevidék farms, a typical element of the traditional way of life that has survived to this day: the land here is not very fertile, so the area between the fruit trees is left as a hayfield, which is essential for livestock farming, thus creating a dual-use form typical of this landscape. If you thought that there was acacia honey and flower honey, and that the difference between the two was the colour and the price, you will become a bit of a “honeyologist” yourself after a visit and a thorough honey tasting. Gyula not only imparts knowledge, but also sensitises. Along with the honey dripping from the tasting spoon, it also instils a great sense of awareness, so at the end of the tasting we all know not only which is our favourite honey of the lot, but why.

Healing buzz
It is worth exploring the programmes of the “Vadvirág méhes- és gyógyítókert” (Wildflower Bee and Medicinal Garden), even for a few hours, but even better if you plan to spend several days here. It is a real escape, something that really makes travelling worthwhile. On the way home, we also tried to stock up from Csilla's pantry: we took honeys, syrups and jams with us, so that the flavours would remind us of the sweetness and usefulness of our time at their house.

Apytherapy is essentially the therapeutic use of various bee products. In addition to honey, pollen, bee venom and even hive air can cure you. The word is of Greek origin, a coined word of the phrased “apis” (uterus) and “terapia” (healing).