Helyszín címkék:
5 + 1 special places for children in Veszprém
Kilár Boróka
1. Veszprém Zoo

The zoo stands first among child-friendly attractions: more than 350,000 visitors visit it every year. No wonder, as we can even spend a whole day here. It can also be a good choice in rainy weather, as many runways have covered buildings. Through the upper entrance, we can enter Gulya hill, the world of savannahs; in the outdoor playground a real airplane and many exciting elements await the children. Here you can find, among others, the penguin and seal pool, the 5,000-square-meter Bird Run, the African Savanna Runway, the Monkey House and the Elephant House.
In the dino park (closed during the winter months), we can step into a world many millions of years ago. Among the more than 50 life-size dinosaurs, we can find the 23-meter Diplodocus and we can climb into the mouth of a T-rex.
At the lower entrance, in the Fejes valley, first the uniquely designed Kölyökdzsungel (Kids’ Jungle) playhouse of 300 square metres awaits the children. Reptiles and insects can be observed in the terrariums, such as the longest inhabitant of the zoo, the 415-centimeter-long banded tiger python.
Do not miss the feeding shows, because you can learn a lot of interesting information from the zoo keepers, for example about the daily life of the seals, the coatis or the ring-tailed lemurs, not to mention how sweet the little animals are when they are waiting for the delicious morsels with big eyes!
2. Eagle-owls and mini-statues in the centre of Veszprém

In Veszprém, we do not have to worry about not finding a suitable children's program in the city centre either! At the "top" of the shopping street, in a corner of the Szent Imre tér, a small fenced playground awaits families. If we go there, look for the huge long-eared owls sitting on the wall of the Hotel Veszprém next to it! The firewall painting was made in 2023, the year of the European Capital of Culture, and its special feature is that the eyes of the owls glow in the dark.

It is worth walking along Kossuth Street, along the way you can discover a fountain and several interesting statues, for example Ödön, the street musician, located at the bottom of the street, on the left. His statue is quite small, one of the works of the famous Kolodko Mihály. In the town you can find the artist's two other sculptures, Ernő and Leonóra, for which you can get a map from the Tourinform office.
3. Playground and museum exploration in the Erzsébet-liget

The Erzsébet-liget is a real oasis in the heart of the city centre. In the 19th century, the border of the town was here. Above it, at the top of the hill, the remains of the small church of the former medieval Szent Miklós-szeg stand. At the bottom there is a cozy park and green area, next to which the city history Laczkó Dezső Museum invites you to explore. This is where the Bakonyi House stands, the country's first rural country house. It was built in 1935 from a public donation on the model of a house in a settlement in the Bakony. Its furnishings are reminiscent of the old times. At the end of Erzsébet promenade you can find the ActiCity, the newest sports centre of the town, where both children and adults can try a wide variety of sports, such as wall-climbing.
4. Walk at the bottom of Veszprém Castle
At the bottom of the castle, the Séd stream gurgles. There is a charming walking path in its valley, which has been chosen as the most beautiful walking path in Hungary several times. We can take photos with the "Heart of Veszprém" on the Love Island, or conquer the nearby Várostrom (Rézsűs) playground with the children. There is a castle and two large tube slides for the older ones, and a separate play area for the smaller ones.

Walking further, we reach the Margit ruins. The daughter of IV. Béla, Szent Margit, grew up in the monastery that once stood here. It is believed that she moved to the Nyulak island, i.e. today's Margit Island from here. The labyrinth fountain starts next to the ruins, the folded paper boats float excellently in its water, just do not forget to bring paper with you!
At the beginning of the next bridge, another mini-statue of Kolodko Mihály, Leonora, rests on the back of a lion. The figure of the girl was inspired by the historical figure of Princess Margit, and the lion is nothing else than a reference to the Veszprém zoo. Looking up from here, you can see the rocks of the Benedek Hill, it is also worth conquering! At the bottom of the stairs leading up, you will find a super ice-cream shop but you can also relax in the Fricska Restaurant House!

5. Playgrounds of Veszprémvölgy and the Gizella lookout

Veszprémvölgy is a favourite hiking spot for the people of Veszprém, many people go here to walk, run, bike, and rock climb. On one side, at the top of the steep rock wall, the park forest of the Gulya Hill is waiting to be discovered. You can get here by the Rovaniemi Staircase, which consists of 188 steps. At the bottom you will find the "folktale" themed playground, and at the top you can walk to the Gizella Királyné lookout or walk along the educational trail.
Down in the valley, in the area of the former amusement park, only the old boating lake and a few old buildings have remained by today. On the other side, there is a large flock of animals and a small castle on another playground. The wooden-floor bridge leads to the ruins of the former monastery of the nuns of Veszprémvölgy. According to the tradition, the vestments that later became the coronation robes were made here. Next to the ruins the Jesuit church stands, which is the venue for exhibitions and events.
Along the Séd stream you can go to the Lackó spring, or in the opposite direction to the Veszprém castle. Countless attractions await the whole family in this beautiful valley!
1 Jutas valiant lookout and pump park

Aranyos valley is a less well-known but even more special place on the outskirts of the town. The town’s only water mill, the Fenyves mill, and the Jutas Valiant lookout are located here. The latter was named after one of the sons of Prince Árpád, and its shape was borrowed from the ammonites found in the neighbouring quarry. From top-view it looks like a snail's house. The building, built from huge logs, is 6.15 meters high, and you can see the surrounding area from its top. The Verga Zrt. from Veszprém has also created a running track, an educational trail and an outdoor fitness park in the recreation forest next to it. Underneath, in the former quarry, a playground and the first bicycle pump track of the town await children.