Helyszín címkék:
Wonderful cycling routes in the Őrség, if you want to gasp admiringly
Szabó Sára
Perhaps one of the most beautiful cycling circuits in the country covers the six routes that were opened a few years ago for cycling lovers in the Őrség. The two-way signposting allows you to cycle the rolling hills of the region in either direction from Őriszentpéter. The Őrség 6 is not just about cycling, the routes include attractions such as the open-air museum in “Pityerszeri skanzen” (Pityerszer Open-Air Museum), the alpaca farm and the artisanal chocolate factory. We show you two - whichever one you choose, it will be an unforgettable experience for both body and soul.
Wild horses, buffaloes and beanstalks wait for you on this circular route passing through Slovenia

Route: Őriszentpéter – Szalafő – Hodos – Krplivnik (Kapornak) – Domanjsevci (Domonkosfa) – Kercaszomor – Bajánsenye – Őriszentpéter
Length of trip: 33 km
Type of the trip: medium
We start from Őriszentpéter towards Szentgotthárd on the road. As with all the routes, there are clear signposts to help you find your way around, so you don't have to keep searching for a map. We head towards Szalafő, past the Árpád-era Roman Catholic church of St Peter, then past the medieval brick kiln. Soon we reach the “Csörgőalma Gyümölcsöskert” (Clanking Apple Orchard) and from here it's not far to Szalafő. If you're with kids, be sure to stop at the ”Égig Érő paszuly népmesepark” (Beanstalk Folk Tale Park). Heading towards Pityerszer, we reach the “Őrség Népi Műemlékegyüttes” (Folk Monument of Őrség), after which European buffaloes and Eurasian wild horses line our route. Get your IDs ready, because we're about to reach the Hungarian-Slovenian border. We roll downhill to Hodos, from where we turn towards Krplivnik (Kapornak). Cross the Kerka stream to the “Kapornak tájház és tündérkert” (Kapornak Country House and Fairy Garden). After the village of Domanjsevci (Domonkosevci) you will soon reach the state border again, from here you can take a dirt road to Pusztatemető. We continue toward Őriszentpéter, but before we reach our final destination, it is worth taking a break at Bajánsenye, on the Kis Hill. If you've done enough wandering, you can follow the former Maginot Line back to your starting point.
Peat moss moorland, alpacas and fairy gardens on Őrség 4

Route: Őriszentpéter – Nagyrákos – Pankasz – Kisrákos – Szaknyér – Hegyhátszentjakab – Szőce – Őrimagyarósd – Viszák – Ispánk – Őriszentpéter
Length of trip: 38 km
Type of the trip: advanced
Our starting point is also Őriszentpéter, from where this time we head towards Nagyrákos. Soon you will arrive at the "village of Völgyhíd", where you can admire the 1399-metre-long viaduct and the village's landmark, the country house with its thatched roof and the smithy. From here we head towards Pankasz, then along the Denke stream to Kisrákos and soon arrive in the village of Szaknyér. Here you can rest and recharge your body and soul while petting an alpaca! We continue towards Hegyhátszentjakab, following the signs and slowly arriving at the picturesque Lake Vadása. Our next destination is Szőce and the “Lápok Háza (House of the Marshes). From here we head towards Őrimagyarósd and after a short "rollercoaster ride" we arrive in Viszák. In the centre of the village, there is the “tündérkert” (Fairy Garden) with native Hungarian fruit trees. After Viszák, we drive into the forest, from where Ispánk lies just a stone's throw away. The tiny, charming village is a great place for another break; there's a playground, handcrafted chocolates and a guest table for weary adventurers. The tour will soon end, and we will soon reach Őriszentpéter, which will offer us more sights: the ”Árpád-kori műemléktemplom (Árpád-era memorial church), the “Natura 2000 látogatóközpont” (Natura 2000 visitor centre) and the hunting exhibition will form a worthy end to our day.