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Helyszín címkék:

Gastronomy €€

Helyszín címkék:

Halas Karcsi büféje

Temporarily closed
It is worth waiting for all the fish dishes freshly made here, and not only for the bighead carb, at this retro-style buffet in Zamárdi. At “Karcsi Halas” (Charlie Fish), aka Károly Csibrák’s restaurant, - ran by His family - you can also find specialities on the menu such as fried fish milk or fried volga zander, but of course you can also order fried (or boiled) bream, zander and hake. If you want to eat something else other than fish, you can try spit-roasted pork cutlets with roasted potatoes and pancake, and while you sit under the shade of the arbour waiting for your dish, you can pass the time with spritzers.