Helyszín címkék:
Farm flavours and lifelong experiences nearby Körös Rivers
Káldi Emese
According to a survey conducted a few years ago in Békés County there are still more than seven thousand farms today. This type of habitat including an area of cultivation, farm buildings and a residential house is typical of the Great Hungarian Plain; the inhabitants usually deal with agriculture, fruit or herb cultivation, but there are several farms that are only used for recreational purposes. Due to the open farmer network ‘Tanyák a Körösök Körül’ (Farms Nearby Körös Rivers) we can get to know the life of farms, if we take trips on foot, by bike or by car in the region of Békéscsaba, Gyula and Szarvas. But be careful – those who try farm life, easily become “addicted”: peace, being close to nature and shady groves are quite attractive! And of course, there is gastronomy! Throughout our farm trip we may taste the typical flavours of the region.

We might start our voyage of discovery in Békéscsaba, in the ‘Körösök Völgye Látogatóközpont’ (Körös Valley Visitor Centre). This institution is maintained by Körös Rivers Valley Nature Park Association, which collects and takes care of the values of the area from Gyula to Mezőtúr, especially farms. In the Visitor Centre located in Széchenyi Park, the green heart of Békéscsaba, guests are provided information related to the sights.
But now let’s go, the farm adventure awaits us! For example, at the ‘Fraknó Tanya és Haluskaház’(Fraknó Farm and Haluski House) less than five kilometres away from Békéscsaba. The more than a hundred years old farm, visible in its original state and renovated with great care owned by the Fraknó family since 1955 is a real wonderland, where visitors who would like to see the farm, the vegetable garden, the orchard and the livestock are welcomed. Naturally, haluski (Hungarian fried cabbage and noodles) is also prepared at the farm. The typical Slovakian hand-rolled dough for fast-days is made of one pound of flour and four eggs at the Fraknó family, and to the cooked noodles bryndza, cabbage, cottage cheese or poppy seeds are added. It’s delicious. We can also stay at Fraknó Farm – in that case it’s recommended to book a room before our visit.

A little bit further, beyond the city of Békés, there is the ‘Libás Tanya’ (Goose Farm) of Tarhos, where we can have remarkable culinary adventures – most of these (not surprisingly) are related to goose. Hungry tourists are awaited with a village guest table at the farm sustained with great care and love, but it’s also possible to admire the residential house made of loam, and the farm buildings made using typical farm construction methods and building materials (wood, earth, straw, reed). At the Goose Farm we will certainly have a chance to get a glimpse of the life of a real Békés farm, and the hospitality of the hosts makes our visit an unforgettable experience. (Registration is required here too.)

‘Steigervald-tanya’ (Steigervald Farm) close to Gyula, located in the plain designated as natural reserve is also authentic; here besides native Hungarian animals – Tsigai, Hungarian grey cattle and Mangalitsa – horses are kept, but there is also a poultry-yard and a pet park. However, the farm’s most exciting attraction is the farm museum: here, the life and agricultural production culture of peasants at the turn and in the first half of the 20th century is presented through more than two thousand objects. If we get hungry while looking at the numerous sights, we might ask for dishes in cauldron – it’s worth booking and checking in advance before leaving!

No matter how great it is hanging around in Békés, the moment of farewell comes sooner or later. But we don’t have to leave empty-handed – we may take home with us locally produced typical delicacies! We may buy jams, walnut oil, hazelnut oil and pumpkin seed oil among others at ‘Diós tanya’ (Walnut Farm) next to the town of Békés (here, apartments are also waiting for travellers). Today the real Csabai sausage is produced by about one hundred small producers, it’s hard to choose between the better and better versions. We can’t make a mistake buying the products of ‘Mezőberényi Kovács Kolbász Manufaktúra’ (Kovács Sausage Manufacture of Mezőberény), but Sándor Pallér of Újkígyós won’t disappoint us either.