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Helyszín címkék:

    Wandering in the Kiskunság National Park

    • Szabó Vivien
      Looking for an adventure? Or do you just want to immerse yourself in the wonder of nature? The Kiskunság National Park has something in store for everyone: a magical world where man and nature can coexist in harmony. In this article, we have collected some of the lesser-known nature trails, where silence and tranquillity surround you, where nature itself tells you stories.
      Looking for an adventure? Or do you just want to immerse yourself in the wonder of nature? The Kiskunság National Park has something in store for everyone: a magical world where man and nature can coexist in harmony. In this article, we have collected some of the lesser-known nature trails, where silence and tranquillity surround you, where nature itself tells you stories.

      In the magical countryside, in the heart of Hungary, the Great Plain and the Sicilian heaths form a landscape that combines the wild beauty of nature with the relics of our cultural heritage. The vast area is home to many treasures: saltwater salt ponds with sparkling waters that are home to rare birds and plants, famous racka sheep that graze peacefully in the wilderness and many more protected treasures. Let’s see which trails are worth hiking!

      Báránypirosító tanösvény (‘Sheep reddening trail’) in the Fülöpháza Hills

      This exciting route offers something special at every time of the year, showcased by the stunning geological formations of the semi-bound sandstone formations. The stories encapsulated in the sand can be admired by wandering along the path marked with white arrows, past acacia plantations and poplar trees, where burrows are home to different species of birds. Standing on top of the sloping hummocks, you can also witness the introduction of alien plants and see the protected species of the hummocks on the colourful signs. Moving on to the research area of the VULKAN programme, where the effects of global warming on sand vegetation are being studied, and then the formation of sand humps. The trail can be hiked all year round on both a short and a long arc, the former 1722 m, the longer 3270 m.

      Vörös-mocsár tanösvény (Red marsh nature trail)

      The Vörös-mocsár (Red marsh), located under the loess bank on the outskirts of Császártöltés, was formed hundreds of thousands of years ago in the former bed of the ancient Danube. As it slowly filled, peat deposits several metres thick formed, creating species-rich wetlands. Walking in the marsh and along the loess banks, you can get an insight into the secret life of our protected birds: in the steep loess walls, shore swallows and gyrfalcons are nesting. Information panels describe in detail the formation of the marsh, its rich flora and fauna, including amphibians and reptiles, reed beds and peat mine water. The roughly 2.5-kilometre-long section is open all year round, but the marsh area can be dangerous for those with insufficient knowledge, so it is recommended to visit it only on the designated route or with a guide.

      Csodarét tanösvény (‘Wonder meadow nature trail), Ásotthalom

      In the most beautiful protected area in the southern part of the Danube-Tisza basin, in March you can admire the stunning blooms of the marigold and the marsh gladiolus, which colour the landscape for as far as you can see. From spring to autumn, special plant communities, sandy steppe meadows and flower meadows flourish in this unique location. Along the route, 10 multi-lingual signboards will help you discover the secrets of the area, where you can learn more about the special flowering seasons and the protected species that inhabit the area. Waterproof footwear, binoculars and mosquito repellent are highly recommended for the four-kilometre hike!

      Nádirigó Tanösvény (Great reed warbler nature trail)

      The wonderful loop-like route of the trail introduces you to the life and diversity of the Tiszakécske Holt-Tisza (‘Dead Tisza’) river through 10 exciting stations. Stations with special fancy names give an insight into the cycle of nature, or even into the special world of reptiles and amphibians living in the estuary. For bird lovers, the “Száll a kakukk fészkére” (‘Cuckoo flying to its nest’) station offers a unique opportunity to observe the bird species living in the estuary. The “Hallgatózó” (‘Listening’) station presents the world of birds of the forests and meadows. The trail can be visited at any time of year, on foot or with a pram.

      Let’s set off on a magical journey through nature and experience the peace and tranquillity of this stunning landscape with your loved ones. The special phenomena of the region offer experiences that will remain in our memories forever. Let’s immerse ourselves in nature, listen to the chirping of birds and discover the hidden treasures of Kiskunság, where nature itself tells us stories!
