Helyszín címkék:
3 great hiking trails designed for cross-country runners
Mészégető Marcsi
1. Discover the hidden treasure of Northern Hungary, the Nagy-kő (Large Stone)!
If you like fabulous panoramic views but don’t want the crowds of hikers, the hiking trail to the Large Stone is for you. From the sandstone cliffs near Bükkszenterzsébet and Tarnalesz, you can see the northern mid-mountains, crowning the cross-country running through wild trails. The 7.8 km long hiking trail starts from Tarnalesz, where you can admire the beauty of the Large Stone from the very beginning of your journey. Once you reach the acacia forest, you can enjoy the shade of the foliage and, in early summer, the wonderful smell of acacia. Finally, a shorter climb will take you up to the top of the rocky outcrop, where you can enjoy the view of the hills and the Mátra and Bükk. It is worth staying away from the edges, as the edges can be very slippery and the depth can be up to 80 metres in places. Once you have admired the panorama, you can start your descent on the other side of the cliff, along a steep path. After the adventurous trail winding through the meandering valley of the Darázs (Wasp) Stream, you can reach the end of the tour, Bükkszenterzsébet, through wide meadows. A great experience at any time of the year!
2. A round with the stars of Eger!
Before you head for the Mátra Mountains, the hiking trail is not around Eger, but in Mecsek! On the banks of the Vár (Castle) Valley stream, where, according to the well-known story, Jumurjac kidnapped Vicuska and Gergő. If you love literature, that can be the reason; if you are interested in history, that can be the reason; and if you are struggling to find a suitable running route on a hot summer’s day, you should check out the Magyaregregy circular route in Mecsek. The 9.3 km route from the bus stop is shaded by the foliage of alder, beech, lime and oak trees. The highlight of the tour is the Castle of Máré (Márévár), which was the last battle station of the ‘56 War of Independence. It is worth stopping here to see the exhibition. When you continue on your way, after a longer descent, you come to the Rail Pit (Sín-gödör), where you can run alongside the cooling waters of the stream, and even cross the water several times, which is especially nice if you arrive in summer. Here you can build up your strength for the climb up to the lily of the valley-flowered hill after the Brown Stone (Barna-kő), after which you descend to the Valley Stream (Völgységi patak). However, the last 600 metres of the less enjoyable roadside section cannot take away from the historical, literary and natural treasures on offer.

3. Highland running by the Hungarian sea
The Balaton Highlands have something for everyone. Whether it is the vineyards, the charming villages, the ruins scarred by history but not conquered, or the magnificent panoramas. Well, in this 12.4 km long Balaton running circuit, they all come together to create the experience of a lifetime. You can admire the beauty of Badacsony and the witness mountains on the route from Szentbékkálta, leaving the ascending section of the vineyards of the Old Mountain, then following the winding scrub and asphalt road. You will even see Lake Balaton along the way. After a wooded section, you reach the Charles Eötvös lookout, where you can enjoy the view in its entirety. From here you can see Tihany, Köveskál, Kővágóörs, on the other side the Fonyód hill and to the west the witness hills. Once you have admired the varied landscape of the Hungarian Sea, you can continue on flat terrain, with rocky, grassy, forest and asphalt sections. The route is also accompanied by the Bika Lake, the Monostori Lake and Cserkés Lake. After leaving the latter, the terrain starts to descend, as you reach a small valley, where you can descend further in a winding way. Soon houses will appear in your field of vision, while you are approaching Szentbékkálla again. On the last stretch, the Church of Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord and the ruins of the Palace of Veléte will colour your journey. After passing the ruins of the Gothic residential tower, you reach the final, descending section of the circular route, until the running circle closes in the village, after which you can enjoy a refreshing drink, even a well-deserved Balaton wine spritzer. A special experience, even with a larger group!