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What kind of record are you listening to? – A tour of our domestic record stores, not just for record collectors

  • Szabó Vivien
Vinyl record culture is enjoying a new heyday: the magic of analogue sound is back, and more and more people are looking for an authentic listening experience. As part of this resurgent trend, vinyl record collecting is also becoming increasingly popular, and this interest can be seen in many record shops across the country. Join us on a tour of our country’s special record shops and learn about vinyl record collecting habits.
Vinyl record culture is enjoying a new heyday: the magic of analogue sound is back, and more and more people are looking for an authentic listening experience. As part of this resurgent trend, vinyl record collecting is also becoming increasingly popular, and this interest can be seen in many record shops across the country. Join us on a tour of our country’s special record shops and learn about vinyl record collecting habits.

Our list is not just for long-time vinyl collectors, but for anyone who wants to experience quality listening and why it is worth returning to traditional records rather than digital music formats.

Analogue experience in the digital age

Throwing on a record is a ritual in itself: the descent of the turntable needle, the sight of the spinning record, the rhythm of the turn and the touch of the uniquely designed covers elevate listening to an almost artistic level. This direct, physical format allows you to develop a more personal connection with your favourite music. It is no coincidence that avid record collectors spend long hours in record shops looking for rare, popular albums.

Building on this passion, the Néma Papagáj (‘Mute Parrot’) record shop was opened in Szeged, welcoming both obsessive collectors and curious newcomers. The selection is eclectic, with a large number of jazz and classical albums, but also punk, synthpop and hip-hop audio materials. As soon as you enter the door, you are struck by the unique atmosphere of the shop, with a neatly arranged collection of speciality records on the wall and in the dedicated bins, and you can almost be sure that a carefully selected vinyl is spinning on the record player. You can browse the styles on your own, but the shop staff will be happy to help you if you have a specific request.

Return to the slow life

In our fast-paced world, with constant information overload, slowing down is becoming increasingly valuable: we want to get away from the hustle and bustle, if only for a few moments. Vinyl record listening fits this desire because it requires dedicated time: there is no rush to play a record.

This feeling is perhaps best captured by Wine and Vinyl in Veszprém, where the world of vinyls is intertwined with the culture of quality wine drinking, creating the perfect environment for relaxation. The wine and music selection is the result of a careful selection: be it alternative, rock, jazz or even pop music, natural wines, prosecco, domestic or foreign wine specialities, you will find it here. You can also buy wine and vinyl records on the spot, and feel free to ask for pairing suggestions, as they will know which album sounds best with which wine.

A meeting place for shared passion

For decades, emotional and cultural connections through records have linked people to music and the artists who make it. These memories and feelings often go far beyond the music itself, and create a kind of bond and community between people who like the same records. As community meeting places, record shops are a space where these connections and experiences become a reality.

The 777 Zenebolt (777 Music Store) in Dunaújváros strengthens this connecting role in the community: it is not just a shop where you can buy records, but a place where people can meet each other through a shared passion and love of music. As one of the most active record stores in the country, 777 Zenebolt regularly participates in national events, such as the annual Record Store Day, which gives the community a chance to celebrate together and come together through the love of records.

Visit these record shops, representing special value, and support local music culture! What vinyl record are you listening to now?