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Helyszín címkék:

Debrecziner Gourmet Festival 2024 Debrecen

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Bite-size adventures in Debrecen, in the embrace of the Great Forest, next to Lake Békás.

This year, one of the most exciting gastronomic events will take place between 14-16 June, featuring renowned restaurants from both Budapest and the countryside. This year’s theme is all about soul-stirring summer memories, with a focus on reimagined summer delicacies. There will also be a spectacular barbecue, craft beers, quality wines and heavenly cocktails. Those who provide the unique gastronomic offer: Iszkor (Mályinka), Páva (Székelyudvarhely), Bobajka (Tarcal), Almavirág (Derecske) and Horgonyzó (Tiszalök). Palya Bea provided the background music. as well as the Zaporsec band will bring it to us.
