Helyszín címkék:
Where the orphaned porcupine finds a home: Mancs Ranch (Paw Ranch)
Szabó Sára
It's like coming as a guest to the “Mancs Ranch” (Paw Ranch) next to Pécs, but here the hosts have fur or feathers on their backs. Although the ranch has been officially certified as a zoo and animal sanctuary recently, let's not imagine a zoo in the classic sense. The place is much more like a farm, where special animals that you wouldn't expect to come running to greet you. The animals don’t live in a cage. We get to know everyone - really everyone - by name and at close quarters. "We have nearly 50 animals: dogs, cats, alpacas, kangaroos, porcupine, foxes, coatis, squirrels, mini donkeys, badger, squirrels, ducks, goats, mini horses, mini pigs and rheas. Here, the animals love each other like brothers and sisters; and although there are closer relationships, everyone accepts everyone else," says Rózsa Fejes, as she offers the alpacas breakfast.

"Csak Norris", the mini pig, joins the table, the rheas come and the "boss", Paw, who started this entire project, is at our feet. Rózsa worked as a police officer, during which she and her Jack Russell Terrier companion, Paw, travelled the country to give playful training sessions about Highway Code to children. Over the years, she has had more and more animals at home, some rescued from the slaughterhouse, others from abusive "owners". At the urging of friends and acquaintances, he finally set up the ‘Mancs-Ranch’ Foundation in 2016. Since then, the zoo has become home to more and more animals who find peace at Rózsa. The harmony within the farm is almost physical, with several baby animals having been born here: alpacas, ponies and kangaroos have been born under Rózsa's wings. Even species thought to be dangerous are tame on the ranch, we can feed and pet the badger and the porcupine. "Many people ask how these animals are so tame. I usually answer that it's because they are my babies. I don't treat them like animals, but like my children: I pet them, hug them, love them, and they return the love in multiple ways. It is important, that they are not overwhelmed. There are no crowds here, with a maximum of 3-4 families a day. They can also come at separate times, by appointment," says Rózsa, and adds that
"we are like a masseur; only here you massage your soul."
To back up his words, he introduces us to Gizmo, the porcupine. This species has long, black-and-white straw-like spines covering almost its entire body, which it uses to “reverse" at its attacker in case of danger. The spines cause painful and rapidly festering wounds, so the animal is rightly classified as a dangerous species. However, Rózsa’s Gizmo is gentle and, following a strict protocol, can even be petted (it even kisses his owner!).

A guided tour of the ranch takes place as you learn about the more special species and the individual stories of the animals that live on the farm. We can pet Gizmo, so we can visit the badger too, who might even climb into our laps if it feels like it. Foxes purr when they trust us, and squirrels nibble at the nuts in our hands. Petting alpacas is a dream, like caressing giant plush animals. Rheas always want to be where the action is, and it's very amusing to hear Rózsa compare them to raptors. It's a delight to be here, as anyone who's been to the “Mancs Ranch” knows. And if you haven't been here yet, don't miss it, because it's one of the most lovable places in the world!