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Helyszín címkék:

Helyszín címkék:

Pocca Picnic

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The best service providers in gastronomy located in the the area aim to provide an unforgettable experience for an authentic picnic, while the rhythm is given by popular blues, rockabilly and dixieland performers at this year's Pocca Picnic.

In front of you lays the inimitable panorama of Lake Balaton, a glass of abbey beer in your hand, the intoxicating scent of lavender in your nose, and pleasant live music in the background. Do you still need more? Organizers believe that everyone deserves quality pampering, and they take that seriously. The best gastronomic service providers in the area aim to provide an unforgettable experience for a picnic feeling, and the rhythm is given by popular blues, rockabilly and dixieland performers at this year's Pocca Picnic in Felsőörs.
