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Helyszín címkék:

Badacsony, out of season

  • Szalay Ibolya
After September, the fuss of the Balaton quiets down, tourists do not bustle and the Hungarian sea and its surroundings are just as quiet even before the start of summer. This, however, does not mean that it is not just as exciting as it is on hot days when the season is in full swing. We may have to forget about bathing for a while, but Badacsony compensates for the minutes spent in the water with its unique programmes even in autumn!
After September, the fuss of the Balaton quiets down, tourists do not bustle and the Hungarian sea and its surroundings are just as quiet even before the start of summer. This, however, does not mean that it is not just as exciting as it is on hot days when the season is in full swing. We may have to forget about bathing for a while, but Badacsony compensates for the minutes spent in the water with its unique programmes even in autumn!

If you are interested in the world of karsts, head to the Tapolca Lake Cave Visitor Centre, where you will be introduced to the mysterious world of caves with eye-catching sights. Interactive games test the skills of both children and adults: the adults' ability to perceive is tested by a "rock feeler", while the little ones are waited by a crawling cave. With the help of paleogeographical paintings, you can get to know the wildlife of ancient times, and the photos and videos show how the karst water shaped the most beautiful limestone formations. The repertory of rooms welcomes the interested people with the following rooms: Dropstone, Dive, Bat, Geopark, Ancient Archaeologist, Old Karst and Projection room and there is also the possibility of boating, and the climbing wall can be tried at any time.

After the wonders of the lake cave, a walk around the lake before returning home may gratify, unless we were in the mood to spend the night in Badacsony. If we were to stay, HangVilla Badacsony, 2 km from Lake Balaton, between Badacsony and Gulács, offers perfect relaxation and recreation with the comfort of home, enriched with a spacious garden.

Badacsony, wines

It is difficult to say no to the invitation of cellars, wines and local flavours. Hotel Bonvino, which is open all year round, awaits you with regional specialties, food specialties, traditional Hungarian cuisine, and a selection of more than 100 types of wine, so you can combine a professional wine tasting with a real culinary experience. Buffet breakfast and dinner options, an opportunity for wellness and active programmes occurs, where real relaxation awaits us after a tiring day.

The Villa Tolnay Wine House is also open out of season, and as a tribute to the well-known actress Klári Tolnay who lived there during the Second World War, it has kept the artist's name. The founder-owner of the winery, Philipp Oser, an excellent connoisseur of the European wine world, during a trip to Hungary, visited the Csobánc mountain more than 10 years ago, where he immediately felt like he had found home. With the help of estate director László Nagy, who knows the Badacsony wine region very well, he is working to put this region on the world wine map.

The Pláne Badacsony wine terrace has the most comprehensive wine selection in the region, as a part of the selection comes from small wineries that would be almost impossible to come across anywhere else, but wines from more well-known wineries can also be found on the wine list. In addition to the drinks, cheese and ham platters are offered as an extra, you can choose from different pâtés, and the coffee is not to be disregarded either.

As a worthy end to the culinary journey, we can visit the Szegi Family Farm, located 20 km from Badacsony. On Lesenceistvánd, the milk from their own cows is processed, their fresh cheeses can be grilled, but there are also some aged in the cellar for several months. They have natural and smoked cheese, cheese with pumpkin seed, ramsons, chive-garlic, dill-garlic, slightly spicy Hungarian and red wine aged.

More and more places and catering establishments in Balaton recognize the need for autumn and winter opening hours, which is why it is worth visiting Badacsony even out of season!
