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Helyszín címkék:

3 stunning circular tours to cycle with the family!

  • Szabó Sára
If there are small passengers in the child seat, or even in the trailer, it’s up to the adults to keep them entertained! We will show you three round trips around the country where the sights are almost overlapping and can be super interesting even from the seat.
If there are small passengers in the child seat, or even in the trailer, it’s up to the adults to keep them entertained! We will show you three round trips around the country where the sights are almost overlapping and can be super interesting even from the seat.

Thermal water and buffaloes on an easy circular tour of Hévíz

Route: Hévíz – Egregy – Karmacs – Zalaköveskút – Nemesbük - Hévíz

Distance: 23 km

Difficulty: easy, with small climbs

Although not very long, there is plenty to discover on this 23-kilometre tour through the rolling hills of the Zalavári ridge. There is only one ascent on this circular tour, but apart from that, it is a very pleasant adventure, rich in sights and suitable for smaller hikers. And if you want to raise the stakes, start from Keszthely, as the two settlements are connected by a beautiful cycle path.

Let’s start our tour from Hévíz, and then have a light lunch at the Öreg Harang Borozó & Étterem restaurant and wine bar on Egregy Hill after prior check-in. Here the past comes alive in both the local atmosphere and the flavours of the dishes. Goat, grey cattle, guinea fowl, rabbit and mangalica pig, ingredients from local producers and wines from local vineyards complete the menu. Heading south, you will soon reach the Hévíz thermal lake, which is Europe’s largest therapeutic warm-water lake, and the largest biologically active natural thermal lake in the world! It is a unique natural phenomenon, with a layer of mist floating above it and Indian red fairy roses floating on the surface of the lake. After leaving Bükkös, we soon arrive in Nemesbük, where we can enjoy a delicious cheese tasting at the Korosa Sajtműhely cheese workshop, also by appointment: the Korosa family farm is home to nearly 20 Jersey cows, whose milk is used to produce about 15 kg of fresh and aged cheese every day. Next comes Zalaköveskút, where you can see the happy buffaloes of the Tarkarét Bivalytenyészet buffalo breeding farm while you are cycling. On the farm of György Hajnal and his wife Zsófi Osvald, about 150 native buffaloes, grey cattle, Hungarian spotted cows, goats, Hortobágy rack ewes and a few donkeys graze together. If you prefer to rest here, you can also visit this farm by appointment! After Vindornyafok comes Karmacs, then our final destination:  Hévíz. It is a magical place to spend more time in, it’s worth it! If you arrive on a Thursday or Saturday, you should visit the Hévíz Farmers’ Market.

Playful ripples along the floodplain forest and the colourful Danube bank

Route: Nagymaros – Zebegény – Szob – Ipolydamásd – Szob – Zebegény – Nagymaros

Distance: 36 km

Difficulty: advanced, but can be shortened

The beautifully developed cycle paths of the Danube bend, winding along the riverbank and through the floodplain forest, are a great way for families to relax in any season. There is a succession of fabulous villages and attractions around almost every bend. The ideal route is to start from Nagymaros towards Letkés and back, but you can also shorten this 50-kilometre section by starting from Zebegény and cycling only as far as Ipolydamásd – in this case you will cycle only 20 kilometres.

In Nagymaros, start at the child-, dog- and veg-friendly Piknik Manufaktúra, where a modern playground and a Danube-front atmosphere can get you started. Their kitchen opens at noon, but it is worth the wait for the world champion flatbread, which you can even accompany with the kraft beer on tap. All the way to Zebegény, the cycle path runs along the riverbank, while the asphalt undulates pleasantly underneath until Szob. Another great playground in Szob attracts for a rest, then the road leads into the floodplain forest, and from here we cycle along the Slovakian border in the lap of nature. Our adventure tour is surrounded by buffalo, colourful birds and a pleasantly intoxicating aroma. The approach to Ipolydamásd is marked by a buffalo reserve, from where you can continue to the recently built Letkés section and then head back to your starting point.

Petting zoo and fish soup around the magical Lake Velence

Route: Velence – Gárdony – Agárd – Pákozd – Sukoró – Velence

Distance: 30 km

Difficulty: easy

Travelling aroung Lake Velence is a real jolly joker, as you can start your tour from anywhere and follow the cycle paths that are built almost all the way. One of the most popular cycling tours in Hungary is also special because the sights are overlapping, and depending on the pace, you can reach the finish line in 3-3.5 hours. The 30 kilometres include swimming, fishing, playgrounds and sunbathing – you can even spend a whole weekend in the area if you like!

Drop the car off in Velence and head in a clockwise direction – south. In the southern part of the lake, you can cycle in the immediate vicinity of the water, and you won’t sweat the climbs. On arrival in Gárdony, it is worth visiting the farmyard called Dinnyési parasztudvar, where you can get up close and personal with farm animals. There’s a tractor-drawn omnibus in the courtyard, horse riding and, of course, petting zoos. In Dinnyés, the cycle path passes an exciting lookout, where you can take a second break: from the Sarvajc lookout, you can enjoy a bird’s eye view of the aquatic world while relaxing on top of the wooden structure. If it’s lunchtime in Pákozd, stop by the Szúnyogszigeti Halászcsárda (‘Mosquito Island Fish Tavern’), where the fish soup is absolutely delicious! From here, we continue around the Pákozd Monument and soon arrive back in Velence. 
