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Helyszín címkék:

Helyszín címkék:

The 9th Great Bacon and Sausage Festival in Orfű

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Here's a gastro fest for those in love with bacon...and more bacon, traditionally organized in Orfű.

- Yoghurt, please.
- With ice?
- Well... with bacon. Lots of bacon.

Apart from the ’yoghurt and ice’ part, the iconic dialogue of the Hungarian animated movie Cat City (original title: Macskafogó) fits perfectly with the Orfű gastronomic festival on 5th November. In addition to bacon, visitors will also be able to taste different sorts of sausages and pork rind on the venue in front of the House of Mecsek. In addition to salty flavours, you can treat your taste buds to handcrafted sweets. The main attraction of the programme is once again a competition: who will make the best delicacies from half a pig this year?