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Helyszín címkék:

‘Balatonfüredi Borhetek’ (Balatonfüred Wine Weeks) – closing the summer

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    The ‘Balatonfüredi Borhetek’ (Balatonfüred Wine Weeks) will be held again in August. The town's most popular gastronomic festival, held on the Tagore Promenade will welcome visitors for three weeks. Every year in the last month of summer, the winegrowers' atmospheric wine tasting tents, offering heavenly wines and other delicacies, are a picturesque sight.

    It is a major, long-standing event of the Balatonfüred-Csopak wine region – which produces the outstandingly delicious wines of the Balaton Uplands – where you can choose from 8-12 different wines per winery, with a total of 300 wines. And after the traditional opening on the Kisfaludy stage, there will also be a characteristic wine knight ceremony.