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Helyszín címkék:

Helyszín címkék:

Midsummer Night in Vonarcvashegy

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    The third night after the official summer solstice, the night of the 23rd of June, known as Midsummer Night, is associated with many legends and folk customs. In the old days, the traditional ritual of lighting a fire at this time of year was to promote the annual renewal of the sun with magical flames.

    In many parts of the world, they celebrate the end of darkness and the coming of the long days! In Hungary, for example, a special ritual fire will also be lit on the shores of Lake Balaton in Vonyarcvashegy, which is greeted enthusiastically by visitors every year. In addition to the bonfire at the Lido Beach, there will be a series of events over several days, with music and dance performances and other surprises.